Monday, August 1, 2016

August's Anecdotes Day 1 - Bedtime Trials

Seriously sometimes I need to look a cute photos like this to remind me that it is all worth it. I have just had one of those crazy nights, I am actually thinking to check in the mirror for grey hairs. 

Bedtime took AGES tonight and left me wondering if Jesse made himself and his sister a coffee instead of a milo this afternoon. I thought that they would of been exhausted after a late night out last night. I am trying not to feed Frankie to sleep at night, feeding her out in the lounge and then putting her to bed. When I do this she wants me to sing (on repeat) Wheels on the Bus. I hate that song. She loves it. She wins. Half an hour later of me singing, her kissing me and her trying to help herself to me....she finally rolled over and went to sleep. I kept praying for patience because I'm out at the moment.

Jesse took another half an hour, he likes to 'huggle', kiss, pee and have drinks of water and then spent his half an hour reenacting scenes from Kung Fu Panda 3 and PJ Mask.....Super cat speed...super lizard grip.....and skadoosh! Please God top me up with patience! NOW!

Sophie, the night owl, after me pleading with her to just for tonight pleeeeease just go to sleep and not call out and not get out of bed. She comes in crying because she misses this house......WE HAVEN'T EVEN LEFT YET!!! Deep breath.....(praying) GOD you need to move now and make me ROCK this moment. Let me handle this right even though I want to actually throw a tantrum...or have a Chernobyl as my older kids say.  Well I thought I did quite well inspite of my lack of patience which clearly meant God felt sorry for me (and for her). We hugged, kissed, prayed and talked about how I was going to miss living here to but it was an adventure moving into a new house. Ten ticks for me!

I then FINALLY made my way out to the dining room to discover vomit. My life is so awesome right now are you not just so jealous!!??? Don't you just want my life? I bet you do. But photos like the one below make my smile and love my life all over again. Jesse is learning to put on his own socks. Don't you love the cheeky facials?

Til tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Sharni, I love how you are holding life together through the thick and the thin. On my journey the Lord has given me words of encouragement and I pass them on to you. The first word is restoration, that through the trials life throws at you, there will always be a time for restoration with his strength. The next word is that we are overcomers through these trials. and as an overcomer we grow deeper in him. The next word of encouragement is that we have been bought with a price and we are not our own, so during these testing times we go forward in the direction that the Lord would want us to go in and not in the direction of self. I pray a blessing on you and your family that all your needs will be provided and that there will be an overflowing of peace. Love you guy's.


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