Thursday, August 4, 2016

August's Anecdotes Day 4 - My Current Read

This is my current read or actually its my current re-read. Translating God by Shawn Bolz. I have already read this once and loved it but all my other books on the bookshelf were packed by an over zealous and enthusiastic son and left me with a very limited number that had gone rouge from their place on in the book case. This was one of them. Needless to say its good, VERY GOOD. And absolutely perfect to get my thoughts off myself and our current situation and on to the bigger picture.  It truly calls us to love as He loved and to see others how He sees them. We need to LOVE well and this book encourages this and also helps us to seek His voice for ourselves and for others around us. That is the big picture.  You know just a little light reading while I am feeding Frankie to sleep for her daytime nap. Its the only time I am alone and its quiet.

I would love to hear about what you are reading at the moment or if you have any great recommendations. I LOVE to read but sadly at this point in my life I really struggle to find time to do it. Its the way I learn and the way I am inspired. So hit me with some goodies!!

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