Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017 - The Year of New Normal

"I understand in theory the idea that I will have to cross people in this world, especially the people who are not listening to my words, not heeding my decisions, not respecting my space. But for so long I've never called people out on theses things because I was more concerned with being thought well of than protecting my wellness. Then all of a sudden I realized I was tired not because life was full but because life was full of things that were draining the soul right out of me." - 'Brazen'  Leeana Tankersley Pg 122

Firstly Happy New Year everyone! Hands up if you are excited for the coming year.??  Anyone???  I am getting there...although today this has been my view for a large part of the day laid flat on my bed with not feeling the best. I guess I just am needed time, more time for rest and healing.

So 2017.....how are we feeling about it?  I am choosing to look forward into the year as a blank canvas with a raft of possibilities and opportunities. Isn't it exciting??

I am finally reading this book 'Brazen' by Leeana Tankersley, its speaking to my very soul.  I am pretty sure she is writing my story or at the very least spent sometime in my head.  The above is a quote that jumped out and punched me in the face today. I literally had to stop reading and put the book down, catch my breath and think on that for a time.  I know I am a people-pleaser....I have been for years. I can't stand the thought of someone thinking bad things of me even though I know there are probably lots that do. I don't like to disappoint, to anger or to look like a fool. It can send me into a tail spin and frustrates the heck out of my husband. "Who cares what other people think?  I DO I DO I DO!!!

The ability to know how to please people is a gift/knack/heart but when its misused, abused and is sucking the life out of you its a very BAD HABIT. Its tiring and probably much of my problem of feeling overwhelmed a lot of the time......so here I am at the age of 39 (and thats a whole other story) I choose to...need to choose to put boundaries in place and grow up, grow up into myself...into who God has made me to be, not apologize for me.....because He made me in His image.  And He only makes GOOD things.

"So God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.........God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. - Genesis 1:27-31

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