Friday, July 12, 2013

A Family of Treasure Hunters

Its official, we the Budd family have finally caught on to the global phenomenon of Geocaching. Actually I don't think its a phenomenon because a large percentage of the people I told about it had no idea what I was talking about.  So for those of you that are one of those people I'll share the secret with you.  Its like a world wide treasure hunt. Boxes, tiny to large are hidden all around us (actually over 4 million around the world) for normal everyday people to find.  You plug the co-ordinates into your phone or GPS and it will lead you to a place where someone has hidden a Cache (treasure box), you fill in the log book and maybe exchange a treasure or two and go on your merry way. Check out the web site for more information and to check out how many there actually are around the world.
 Its a good way to see the country side and go places that you probably normally wouldn't go. Like us, we found one just around the corner from us (who knew) and we had never visited this lovely and very old church. Driven past it yes but actually walked around it, read about its history and the people that are buried there.  Given that our kids are home schooled it was a great learning opportunity about local history.
Aren't they a good-looking bunch?
We have long since realised that anything remotely fun and a little quirky then the kids are totally on board. Once I had showed them the website then I heard about nothing else for days. So today we finally made it out.  I just hoped that they realised that it wasn't an actually treasure, you know like one with gold and jewels in it.

We find ourselves standing outside this beautiful over 100 year old church. I wonder how many people actually attend here.  It would of been the heart of the community once upon of time.

Even though the grounds are beautifully kept I felt a sadness for the place. Sort of like the kid who is the last picked for a team. Left out.
I guess I felt sorry for it.

 The first signs of spring, even though its still six or so weeks away yet.
I love reading headstones (is that weird?) I wonder about the people and the lives they lived and the stories that were buried with them. Yeah I think I am a little weird.
Scouting around for the treasure. We had some clues to work out which involved finding and reading headstones. Most interesting.
 Check out the view.

 After a while of checking behind every post/tree Thomas found it!  And boy was he proud of himself. I was pretty proud of him too.
I still find the whole concept behind Geocaching fascinating. There are actually thousands/millions of these all around us and we never knew.
 What's in it?
 Jamie is checking out the log. This particular log book was replaced in 2009 as the first one got lost.

 We filled in our family code name and the date and put the treasure safely back where we found it for the next person to find it. 
Very very happy kids!
 Biggest brother and littlest brother!
Love this photo!
 Goodbye fascinating old church, thanks for having us visit.
We will leave you in peace again.
  Much to the kids embarrassment I just had to take to photo of this VERY cool VDub Combi van.
Love LOVE love this!
I told them that we should trade our van in for one of those.
They were not impressed. AT ALL!
Dreams are free.
We have already decided on where we are going to be looking next.  Who knows maybe we will even hide one one day.
“A merry heart doeth good [like] a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
- Proverbs 17:22

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