Thursday, November 17, 2011

Going on a Egg Hunt

The trouble with free range chickens is that one may never know where they are going to lay their eggs.
No sooner that I find their 'nest' then they go and change it!   How rude!!  I have tried to train them into laying in the nesting box but at present we have a very vicious broody hen sitting and I think she is scaring them all away.  Crikey she scares me too!

Anyway while all Miss Sophies (2) siblings were occupied, we went on a EGG HUNT.

First a quick stop to say to 'Pink' the goat and Mama hen and her seven little chicks!

Oooo there they are!  Hidden away in the garden.

Oooo its warm!

(well she is only two)

I think thats all...

Carefully carefully...

Its the simple little things that create cherished memories!!

"We do not remember days: we remember moments. - Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a lovely journey! You've captured Sophie's wonderment so well in the photos Sharni!!! Love it xxx


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