Monday, February 6, 2012

Fresh and Free!!

When ones income is cut by more than half one has to think outside the square, make some cuts and adjustments in the budget and pray lots!  I thought that I budgeted before but now whoa...its all on now!
Food is where a BIG portion of our income goes in our I had to make some major adjustments to our weekly shop.    I think you will find in most peoples shopping there are things that if you are truly truly honest with yourself, you really don't actually need.   

Something thats comes to mind is 'Baking Paper'.  Yes I know its only $3 or $4 BUT its $3 or $4 that I don't need to spend.  So its back to the Grandma way of making tins and trays non-stick.  Grease the tray or tin with a little bit of butter and then shake flour all over it. Then bang the excess flour off over the sink!  Wa-lah! You have home made "baking paper"!

Its all those little things. Every little bit counts.

One of the things that I am most grateful for is our garden and chickens and all the fresh food that it provides us.  God is amazing.

Here is what we have been getting...

Courgettes, Zucchini or if left long enough Marrow!
Cucumber (pretend you can't see the weeds)
Crunchy Carrots

Cherry Tomatoes


and our feathered friends...

Have been giving us these!

Put them all together and you have a very very YUMMY Quiche!  There is nothing like going out into the garden and picking your own food, its like getting free food!  God is so AWESOME!  I am just wishing that we had a house cow because the amount of milk that we go through in our house is huge. We should have shares in the Dairy Company I tell you! I am however, looking forward to getting some of the honey out of our bee hive. We had a wee taste the other day and it was G O O D!

What have you got growing in your garden?

"But if each man could have his own house, a large garden to cultivate and healthy surroundings - then, I thought, there will be for them a better opportunity of a happy family life." - George Cadbury

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful!!! Although I'm very green with envy I agree that it is SUCH a wonderful and extremely satisfying thing being able to 'live off the land'. Good on you Miss Sharni. Now go send one of your sons out to buy a cow huh? ;) xxx


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