Saturday, February 25, 2012

Creative... Sisters

This has the potential to be embarassing. My two girls share a bedroom. Miss Kaitlyn (4) on the top and Miss Sophie (2) on the bottom.  Its a lovely room, two pinks walls and two lime green walls.  White curtain with big green and pink spots. White drawers with lime green handles.  It has the POTENTIAL to be a very very nice room.  There is one problem, my two girls are very messy creative wee things!  This is what I mean.

This can happen after a day, no, an afternoon of play.  They play 'Grown Ups' (I am the Mum and you can be the baby), they dress up, they change their clothes, shoes. Hop in and out of bed. Push dolls around in the pram and make up the dolls bed. Make piles of books and then read every single one of them!  They even get out the clothes that are put away that are too big and too small for them and try them on!  Hence the room gets very very messy!!   So every few days I get sick of standing over and through the mess, tripping over dolls cots and slipping on books. So I spend some time with or without my two daughters, tidying up the room. Having spent considerable amount of time over the years tidying the boys room, (fortunately they do this themselves most of the time now) I have notice that there are things that are unique to wee girls rooms.  In my boys rooms I can find sticks (for swords, bow and arrows), containers containing worms, earwigs, slaters and/or spiders, leaves, rocks and bits of wood hammered together to resemble....well I am not entirely sure.  So different are the things I find while tidying the girls room.

  Here are some of the things I found that makes girls...well girls.

Collections of odds and ends uniquely to little girls include mirrors, anything that is remotely sparkly, special cards and 'precious' jewellery!

An extensive art collection (this is just one wall). 
The painting of a flower on the right Jayden (then 6) bought at a youth group auction. He stuck up his hand and shouted out $47!  Needless to say he won it and bought it courteous of Mum and Dad.  It was the highest price paid for anything that night, everything else went for $5 to $10.

My little pony is having a bad hair day.

For me, this is the epitome of a little girls childhood!
A 'baby' in bed!

Kaitlyns most favourite shoes, her 'golden' jandels!

Sisterly love at its best! 
 Sharing a moments rest on the front porch!

Yes the mess gets me down and can make me a little grumpy. But I remind myself is that while they are doing all this playing, they are doing it together.

Big sister. Little sister.

Best of friends.

Smiling and Loving

“Sister. She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.” Barbara Alpert

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