Friday, March 8, 2013

One loved cat

Around here we love cats.  Even my husband had a severe soft spot for cats, especially poor abandoned ones.
(although he may try to deny it)
This tiny wee kitty was an orphan and only 2-3 weeks old when we somehow became her owners.   She moved in last October about 4 weeks out from my due date.
This is the kitten that Jamie fed with a dropper 3hourly day and NIGHT!
The first night that we had her she was sleeping in our room and I got up to go to the bathroom(as you do when you are 36weeks pregnant) and she woke up.
I woke Jamie up and he shot up out of bed thinking my waters had broken but no it was just to feed the kitten.
This is the kitten that had a bed made for her complete with a hot water bottle covered in soft towels for her to sleep on.
This is the kitten that Jamie taught how to go to the toilet.
(I will spare you the details to how he did that)
This is the kitten that he taught how to lap.
This is the kitten he has bathed and deflea-ed with a pair of tweezers.
Such dedication!
We call her Stella.
(Stell Bells, Stella Rubella and Stella Bells)
All the kids love her but the one that loves her the most is Sophie.
Sophie loves her so much that Stella gets lugged around nearly all day.
I don't blame her for hiding at every given opportunity.
Thanks to Sophie, Stella gets to 'high 5' everyone that comes into our house with her paw including a visiting Financial Advisor - thankfully he kindly obliged.
Sophie plays games with her, attempts to dress her, push her in push chairs and likes to put her in cupboards.
Last week I opened a cupboard where we keep our newspapers and Stella was sound asleep in there. Who knows how long she was in there?
I do have to say that she doesn't help herself by climbing into cupboard while they are open only for them to be shut on her.
Unbeknown to me I have shut her in the fridge for a good five minutes, Silly cat!
Our other cat is Trixie.
Stella loves Trixie. Can you tell?
I think this is a case of 'anything you can do I can do better!'
My cat likes to hide in hats!
There is never a dull moment around here as you probably already know.
This time it involved dear wee Stella.
See that tree, see the very top of it.
Well that is where she got stuck!
When she didn't turn up for breakfast, Jamie went on a brief walk around and heard her meowing.
We couldn't even see her.
It was about here, when Jamie finally got a look at where she was.
He gingerly climbed as high as he wanted to and then a bit more.
Poor thing was so scared that he didn't even need to hold on to her while he was climbing down, she held on to him!
On the ground at last!
I hope she doesn't do that again.
It is a little bit of a worry though when you have pets. We have had two cats now that have been run over in the last few years (R.I.P Sylvie and Tuesday) and none of them has been loved as much as Stella.
I really hope nothing happens to her, as there will be very sad little people in my house.
In our 'school'...
We are nearly at the end of our Moon Study.
It makes me smile when I hear the kids describing what phase the moon is in.
"ooooohh its a waning gibbous moon"
"Hey Mum the moon is a crescent tonight"
We did take the opportunity to have a look at the full moon this month. It is amazing anyway but through a telescope its even better.
(sorry the photo doesn't do it justice)
I have even learnt a fair bit. I have always known that the moon effects the tides, the water table and the water in vegetables and fruits etc but I could never have told you why. A lot of people think that its a bit hocus pocus. BUT I now know why and it makes complete logic and sense.
We made Moon/night-time sky pictures too!
All you need is black paper, a craft knife and a hole making device (we used a screw driver) and

We put them up on the window and the light shining through the black paper makes it look like the
night-time sky
I found this photo on my camera. 
Being dressed up and having your photo taken by your older brothers....


1 comment:

  1. The cats are precious, and I really love your moon pictures! What a simple, yet meaningful and clever idea. I'll have to remember it when we look more closely at the moon in our own homeschool.


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