Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Time for Me!

I remember reading something not so long ago that went something like this...
"Give your child a gift....Take better care of you"
I love this. I need this.
Historically I am not good at this at all. For some reason I (and probably a lot of other Mamas out there) have this perception that we aren't being a good parent if we don't continally put our children and their needs before ourselves, consquently neglecting our needs. 
 Our need to rest, replenish, rejuvenate and refresh.
Why do we do that?
After self-imposed isolation for weeks on end due to Whooping Cough and Jamie going away (and due to go away again soon) I felt that it was high-time for a me break - well me and Jesse.  Breast-feeding babes go everywhere their Mamas go.
I didn't need to wonder where I would go, I already knew.  I needed some girl time with my bestest friend (and sister-n-law) Tash.  I really struck it lucky when I married into this family. (in more ways than one)  Often one hears of horror sister in laws but not me - no way.
My adventure starts with a trip on the bus and I must say that its no easy task that.  One pushchair/carseat, two bags and one baby all in tow.  Fortunately for me the bus driver in our wee town is super friendly.  She actually remembered me from last time I came and I was a heck of a lot bigger (pregnant).  The people on the bus are super friendly too. From the elderly lady behind me who thought I had beautiful kids and congratulated me on 'getting away' to the gentleman across the aisle from me who 'oohhhed and ahhhed' over Jesse and ended up showing me pictures on his phone of his sisters identical triplets!! 
This bus driver let the kids hop on and investigate while we were waiting to go.
Jesse slept all the way to the city - so kind.
Once in the city I had the difficult mission of transferring buses but fortunately for me I nice young man (gee I sound like I am 70) offered to help me with my bags. Bless him!
If you haven't been on a bus lately I suggest you try it. They are quite nice these days and the view is great!
So after I reached my destination, my sister-n-law picked me up for my well deserved break away!

Yes I didn't go to some retreat or the like but the very fact I didn't have to tidy mess, do any chores, had dinner cooked for me, didn't have to constantly answer question (although I did talk a lot) and was spoilt with time of friendship, walks, talks, good food and a change of scenery.
One thing that I am aware of is that I don't have a lot of photos of me and the kids, the reason being is that..
 1. I am always the one taking the photos.
2. I don't particularly like having my photo taken so I avoid it. 
So I am trying to make an effort to have more photos taken of me but usually someone needs to remind me and I may reluctantly agree.
Fortunately children are either too small to know or care about having their photo taken OR absolutely love it and jump at every chance to have one taken OR even steal your camera when you aren't looking and take 'many' themselves!

Jesse having some Aunty Tash time - doesn't he look like he is having fun!
 If you are anything like me, you don't have a lot of chances to browse around town or peruse through shops in a mall.
But first things first...
... coffee and cake!
 (make that good coffee and very yummy cake)

Love the view overlooking the city.
"Milk and Honey Cafe".

This was the lift going down from the cafe, the one that we had to lift the pushchair down the stairs to get too and the one that we got momentarily stuck in!
Wasn't quite sure how long you wait before you push the emergency button and we were just beginning to argue about who was going to push it (neither of us wanted to). Tash decided perhaps she should ring the cafe and tell them we were stuck when someone from down the bottom push the button and the lift started to go down.
But what an adventure!

A dressing room, isn't it cool!
We found this dinky little cafe at the back of the Anna Stretton concept store.
It was decked out in all things retro. Very very styley!

I grew up with a table and chairs very similar to this!  Who knew that they would be so trendy in years to come.

Day Three we walked along the river which is smack bang in the middle of the city!  Who knew ah?
Such serenity and peace!
My time away was so what I needed but I missed my husband and my kids. My kids I think missed Jesse more than me as they showered him with kisses and hugs as soon as they saw him, but I'll take a close second!
I can only hope that every women can take the time to just be or to spend some time with your closest friend who you can just be fully yourself. Half an hour, a lunch, a day, three days...etc. Its worth it.
Just so you can be your best!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like heaven Sharni! Good on you for getting out and having a relaxing break in wonderful company :)
    And oh my goodness Jesse is a BEAUTIFUL wee bubba! Growing so quickly xox


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