Tuesday, September 17, 2013

On Being Sick!

I don't know too many people that would be putting their hands up wanting to be sick, but I REALLY hate it!!  I hate it with a vengeance!  I hate not feeling like I can do anything, not even the bare basics!  My house is a tip and my washing pile, the one that I have been working soooo hard at keeping folded and put away, has gone from woe to go in an instant!  Alas its back to being the Mount Washington!  Sad face for me.  Whats worse is that five out of six of my kiddies are sick too! High temps, sore muscles (which is turn means that certain little kiddies legs don't work), vomiting (for some) and coughing! OH the coughing its the worst.    My eyes are scratchy and my throat is hot (or is it the other way round) and all I want to do is sleep, sleep and sleep, which of course I can't, because did I tell you, I have the most annoying cough ever. Whats more frustrating is that I can't take any cough mixture because I am breast-feeding!  So I have to be content with sipping on warm Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey drink.  Jamie has vacated my bed at night because I am keeping him awake so much. Last night he pushed Casey over and sleep with him. Tonight he is making up the couch bed, only because Casey has been talking in his sleep and kept Jamie awake part of the night attempting to engage him in numerous conversations.

So we are well into the third week of having one of those good old fashioned 'shut ins'.  Another thing that is doing my head in (but not enough to be bother to do anything about) is that I am insanely over the TV, Computer and/or Tablet being on nearly all day and kiddies wrapped up in blankets and being sprawled all over the couch, floor and not moving. Did I say ALL DAY.  If I was 100% myself I might be inclined to wage war on this but as I said I can't be bothered.  They are quiet, well mostly if you don't count the fights over the TV channel, the pick of movie or whose turn it is on the computer or whose has had 25 secs more than their agreed time. I don't know how else I would keep entertained or quiet and rested five sick kiddies.  I am however, super super thankful that Jesse (9mths) is not at all unwell and that Jamie is able to be at home with us and is having a go at playing nurse. I say playing because it is not at all his calling in life and is doing this under duress. He is certainly not sitting bedside, spoon feeding me chicken broth and sponging my brow with a cool damp cloth but at least he is here and is coping very well with the vomiting, the whinging and the timetable for Pamol administration. Yes I did say timetable, one has to have a timetable when there is five of them all requiring various amounts of medication.  Our house is a disaster zone I tell you.

A plus side for being sick is that I finally have started and finish a book that I have been wanting to read for a while - awesome! AND I have pottered around and sorted out some clutter in 'high-risk clutter zones' at various places around the house - again AWESOME!! AND I have had some time (when I could wrestle the computer off the kids) to peruse the property market for dream homes and Trade Me for milking goats and bar stools. Come on what else do you surf the net for when you are sick?  I am hoping and I am praying that tomorrow everyone will be just that much better than they were today and that I and everyone else will sleep just that much better tonight.
Sorry no photos of said sick kids or nurse Jamie. I don't think that anyone of them would really appreciate me waving a camera in their face and you are certainly not going to get a photo of me in my current state.
Much love to you all Xxx

Ps I did find a dream house - anyone have a cool million? (I did say DREAM house)


  1. Hi there, my sympathies are with you. When we are all sick, it makes me think how "easy" life is when we are all well, and I resolve to be more grateful for our health...once I get through the storm! Regarding your cough, I make my own herbal cough mixture with thyme tea, licorice tea heated with brown sugar or honey to make a syrup. This really works well for soothing the throat and easing the cough and because there is no alcohol it is safe for littlies and breastfeeding mummas, and you can take it often. There are many variations of the recipe on the Internet. Prayers for a return to robust health for you all...Jodie.

  2. Oh man you poor things :( I do hope and pray that everyone is feeling better each day. And praying your nurse doesn't get sick! Then what??? Love and hugs to you all xxx


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