Sunday, June 1, 2014

Autumn Arty Mess

I figure that if I am bored with schooling the kids then they are probably bored with the schooling schedule too.   I think its entirely unreasonable to expect them to be super excited about learning when I am ho-hum about it. Now don't get me wrong I am NOT bored with schooling the kids at home but more of a need to change things up a little. Well for at least a time anyway.  Here is where 'Radical Unschooling' becomes super appealing to me.  I have a number of philosophies around education and children's learning that I glean bits and pieces that I love from.  Some from the above site, some from the Waldorf Education philosophy, some from the NZ Curriculum, some from my own thinking and reflections. Anyone interested or thinking about Home Schooling (or just wanting to know more about people who embark on this crazy journey with their kids) should read or at least know about John Holt, who was a well known author who left mainstream education where he was a teacher and became a advocate for the home-schooling movement and later the un-schooling movement.  I will openly admit that while I totally agree with it and as much as I would love to, I am not brave enough or trust my kids enough to embrace the entire un-schooling philosophy.  

Anyway this week we had some fun and got a little messier than we normally do. (which is really pretty messy but that's what we do around here)  Google/Facebook/Pinterest has oodles of fantastic ideas for creative play/art/crafty things to do. One of my favorites is Happy Hooligans who feature things that are totally doable and are heaps of fun (be prepared for mess though - which is the whole point, KIDS LOVE MESS!)

So here are our...                                Fabulous Fall Collages

Step One:  Put your boots, jackets and woolly hats on get outside to collect some autumn treasures.
Step Two.  Put some paper or plastic down to protect your table or floor and squirt some blobs of autumny colours on paper.  Be warned if you children are anything like mine, there maybe some differences of opinion about what colours are autumn ones.  Stay quiet!

 Step Three:  Roll out some Gladwrap (cling film) and tear off a piece just a little larger than the paper and lay over paper.  Then get your kids to moosh all the colours around with their fingers.  You can lift off the gladwrap and re-position for ultimate colour coverage!

Step Four:  Lift off Gladwrap and discard!  Once dry, arrange autumn treasures on paper and glue (or sticky tape extra large bits) to painting.

Step Five: Once satisfied, leave to dry and hang for all to see!!

And since I keep getting asked for an updated pregnancy/baby bump photo I thought I would oblige and post one. Aren't I brave kind!
So here it is!

 20 weeks with #7! 

I have been blessed with this pregnancy as so far I have found it relatively easy.  I have had the normal extended morning (all day/random times) sickness but that is about it.  I haven't suffered from that horrible over-coming tiredness that I usually have had.  Thank goodness for that, I do not have time to be tired!!
I have one of the worlds most loveliest midwives and I just love it when she comes to visit! All the kids are super excited and of course the boys want it to be a boy and the girls want it to be a girl. I on the other hand can honestly say I really don't mind what this wee blessing is - we will be happy with whoever God has blessed us with this time.  I am praying however that this one won't be a whopper like Jesse was and will decide to be born the right way up. (or down depending on how you want to phrase it)
Bring on the next 20 weeks!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome artwork! And what a lovely photo of you :) Looking gorgeous as always!


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