Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Sweet Wee Girl turns 3!

They say that time flies when you are having fun.  Well I must of been having oodles amount of fun because I don't know how she got to be turning 3!  Its absurd I tell you.  She has been long anticipating this day, especially since big sister has had her turn. I have to admit it was a little difficult to keep up the momentum and energy for another birthday party, as the day before her birthday I felt awfully unwell.  I really didn't want to be ripping her off so all day I tried really hard to conjure energy that was hiding from me.

But her day last!  That morning she rolled over and kissed me on the lips and snuggled in for her morning snuggle.   I opened my eyes and sleepily asked her "Good Morning, What day is it today?"  and she said "Tuesday".  Very clever little girl.  So I said "Whats special about today?"  and she gasped and said "Its my BIRTHDAY!"

Happy Birthday to you!!!  OF course there was nooooo lying around in bed after that. We were all up, bleary eyed and matted hair (precisely why I stay behind the camera) to watch her open her pile of presents.  Its all very exciting!

Check out this girls 'bed hair'


Clothes clothes and more clothes!


Could there be anymore pink?  Pink clothes, pink seat and pink lollies!

And pink tea cups!   Just right for two little ladies!

And again don't look at the sugar (she chose cocoa pops as her breakfast choice)
I love how the sun is shining on her hair and the balloon behind her, very angelic!

Sophie chose her own cake this year. Up until a week ago it was going to be a pink, purple and green fish but then it suddenly changed to a 'Pink Flower'.
Fortunately butter cream icing and I are much better friends than fondant is!  Phew!

Wee thing blew out the candles before we even had sung her 'Happy Birthday'
and then it took her seven goes to blow out them after we did sing it!
Thanks Grandma, Aunty Naomi, Uncle Joe, Uncle Dave and Aunty Tiff, Samson and Phoebe for coming to help celebrate this special girls birthday! 
(its the great thing about having a big family, if only a few of them come you still have enough for a party!)

Sophie had a very special day. She had a whole day with her family doing the things that she loves to do. I love her so much, her smile, her kisses, her midnight cuddles, her sense of humor, her dancing and her beautiful spirit!
Thank you God for giving Sophie to our family!
She truly is a blessing!

1 comment:

  1. Oooohhhh precious wee one!! Happy Birthday Big 3 Year Old Sophie!
    Yes indeed, time surely does fly. You are such a clever mamma with your birthday cakes and thoughtfulness to make their day special. Love you xxx


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