Tuesday, August 16, 2011

On a chilly winter morning

Its really cold here!  And I mean really cold.  Its been snowing for crying out loud!  We never get snow.  I have wished we got snow and now we have.  It could of been a decent amount though, I couldn't even take any photos of it and when all of a sudden you scream out "YOU GUYS ITS SNOWING!" and they all come running from four corners of the house, you kind of want them to be amazed and excited, not disappointed that they can't make snow men.  Its kind of let down seeing that they have never seen snow before.  Oh well a trip to the snow is on the agenda sometime soon anyway.

So some of us stayed inside where its warm and did sensible winter day activities!

While others of us did summer day stuff!

  Actually the boys randomly jumped in our pool the other day (and its not even clean) and then they put their togs on and squirted each other with the hose.  Clearly they didn't get the memo to say its the MIDDLE of winter!  Crazy children. They have their fathers genes most definately!  Why else would they run around outside with no shoes on til their feet turn purple?

So I am wrapped up here in my Grandma-blanket (literally my Grandma did crochet it) with the fire blazing and I am still chilly.

I am so looking forward to spring cos I know that summer is just round the corner!  

With spring comes spring cleaning though but this year I am armed and ready!  Actually I have a confession to make. I BOUGHT something off the infomercials!!!  Ok Ok I know, its so the stereotype of housewives that they sit in their dressing gowns all day and watch Infomercial and Soap Operas.  Anyway I bought a Portable Steam Shark Mop,  so I can steam all the blasted FLY POO off my walls and boy does it work a treat! And considering the amount of poo I have on my walls and the huge number of walls I have then its well worth it.  Don't tell anyone but Jamie has been steam cleaning walls too!  Its loads of fun!  The only down-side there is, is that I don't really have an excuse anymore for not having a clean house.  Hmmmm

1 comment:

  1. Sharni you rock!! You are a very special person of high quality and your kids are very lucky.(Not to mention James). The blog is cool too!! Yayy!!


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