Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Somedays are just like that! (sigh)

I have lost my ability to function today.    I have all these things that need my attention but I can't seem to get round to doing any of them.   The washing is piling up, the washing to be folded up is piling up, the dishes are piling up (and we have a dishwasher!), and the dirt on my floors is definately piling up!  My ability to shave my legs on a regular basis has diminished and I feel in the dire need of a sleep! (maybe a day of two would do the trick)  I haven't baked in like ages, the tins are empty and the kids are resorting to crackers.

Would put a Chinese Laundry to shame!

But STILL..... like most Mothers out there I soldier on and on and on..............!

However I did manage to accomplish a reasonably good day doing 'school'.  I found out some very interesting things about honey bees that weren't G-rated. (I don't know what the author was thinking when he wrote the book)  so I didn't share my discovery with the boys. Anyway they were entertaining themselves all afternoon by the fact that all insects have big BOTTOMS!  (Small things amuse small boys)

One tired wee princess!

My girls played an elaborate game of princesses and tea parties (sigh) and one just plain tuckered herself out!

Casey has gone into the free range egg business and has sold his first dozen (to Mum and Dad mind you) but none the less his first $4 hs gone into the jar.  Very exciting.  Now for some more customers.  And free range they are too. 

One in the chook house
Two in the shed
One in the shed nextdoor
and one in the middle of the DRIVEWAY.........................clearly she didn't make it in time!

So YES I suppose good things happened today. They children learnt and played and had fun and  made money. I know they didn't starve either as they got dinner in the end

So perhaps today was a good day!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness I am cracking up at your stories! You write just how you would say it if we were face-to-face. Awww miss you Miss Sharni!
    You should totally link up with Kiwi Mummy Blogs (http://www.kiwimummyblogs.co.nz) - not only will you get more traffic to your blog but others mums out there would enjoy your stories and your realness. And vice-versa. Cant believe you homeschool. I am in awe!! X


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