Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Fun

So I am really digging deep to get this written today - so hopefully it turns out alright! 

Easter is a time for celebration, tradition and family. Maybe separately or together.  Its always been a pretty big deal but over the past few years its got even bigger.    In order to turn the focus away from Easter Bunny and chocolate eggs which has played a major part in the past we have really made a big focus on the most important event of all time. 

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! Whether you believe it or you don't, if you celebrate Easter in one form or another you are celebrating this momentous occasion.

So kick off this Easter season as part of  'school' we (our family) reenacted Palm Sunday. If you don't know the story its found in Matthew 21. Take a look!

Since we didn't have a donkey handy or palm leaves or robes for that matter we really had to improvise. But the whole point was to bring the passage to life for the kids sake.  Everyone had a turn at being Jesus riding on the donkey (bike) and everyone had a turn at lying robes (towels) on the ground for the donkey to walk over and waving palm (tree branches).  Twas quite fun! Even if our Palm Sunday was on the Monday!

This Jesus fell off his donkey!

After six people having turns at playing Jesus I think they all know the story pretty well.

 Excuse the quality of the next picture, I took a photo of the video playing on the TV.

On Good Friday we went to Jamie's brothers house to have a Passover celebrate. The kids (on their own accord) made a video of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus.  I just love what these kids came up with when they are together.
Jesus and Simon carrying the cross.
Our passover meal was amazing. It was the second year that we have done it and this year my 14 year old niece put it together and ran the evening. She did an amazing job and every one in the family had a part to play. 
 Here are some pics.

Communion by candlelight

Dinner on the floor!

As part on the ceremony we watch the passover scene from the Prince of Egypt movie by candlelight. I have to say that the atmosphere felt very sacred, holy and even a little emotional.
Afterwards we 'painted' our own front door (with crepe paper)


The hand washing part of the ceremony.
Casey and Uncle Mike
The dinner was lovely and definitely the reflected the real meaning of Easter. Thank you to Kaysha for putting it together.

On Easter Sunday after an awesome church service we celebrated by our annual Easter Egg hunt!  Its a mission to hide all those eggs, enough for five children!




The thing with Easter Egg hunts is that you need to count how many eggs you are hiding and also vaguely remember where you have hidden them!  Last year Sophie found one or two a couple of weeks later while she was playing outside.

And lastly to top off the Easter celebrations,
Uncle Eon's Double Chocolate Muffins
 (Easter Muffins)

Don't you just love hand-written recipes, they hold so much history and many memories of the people and places that you love.

Easter is up there with Christmas for us. So much emphasis is place on Christmas with all the hype and what-not but we need to celebrate more. Our society as a whole can be quite shallow and void of traditions and celebrations.  We need more!  And they don't have to be all commercialised either, its all about getting together with the ones you love and sharing moments.
I would love to squeeze in some more celebrations into our calendar year.

I hope your Easter was a good one, however you celebrated!

What are some of your traditions and celebrations?

1 comment:

  1. You've always been so good at traditions Sharni, I love it that you make a big deal of them, especially for your children's sake - they will be carrying those traditions into adulthood and continuing them on when they have their own children - watch and see!
    Loving you and your gorgeous family xxx


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