Monday, April 2, 2012


Words.  They are quite handy really, when used properly and purposefully.  I love words.  I read them, I think them, I listen to them and I most certainly speak them.  (50 000 a day according to my husband).  Words can be educating, entertaining, and informing. 

I do so love our view!  (not water but fog)

They can be beautiful, precious, up-lifting, encouraging, inspiring, loving and kind.  I could go on and on......
Words can induce warm fuzzy feelings and melt your heart moments.

They can reduce one to tears to uncontrollable laughter in a matter of seconds.

Unfortunately they can sadden, destroy, squash, damage and tear down.... that makes me sad.

Would you believe its raining in this shot?

What words are we feeding upon?  Beautiful ones? Encouraging ones?  or Damaging ones?

No parent can claim that they are super positive all the time. No one can claim they have kind words come out of their mouths 100% of the time.  I can't and neither can you.

But I try my best.....God knows I try!  It helps that I choose to read beautiful and inspiring words from the Scriptures to Novels and everything in between.  I choose to listen to good wholesome words,  I choose to think them (although yes I struggle with this - its really hard sometimes but isn't thinking them better than saying negative things) and I choose and WILL choose to speak them.

I love to spend my time with inspiring people, people that uplift me and love me. I cherish just being with them, loving them and of course talking with them.  You know these are the people that are good for you when you look forward to seeing them and you leave them feeling ten feet tall and ready to take on the world.  I love to read inspiring books, mags and blogs.  Reading these make me want to be a better Follower of Jesus, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister and Friend.  I need to be the best I can be. I want this.

While some peoples words hurt, I choose not to let them scar and influence my passion for living my best life, my life on purpose... I will not.  For my sake, my familys sake.  I just love them that much.

I would love you to check out some of the blogs that I follow and find so inspiring.  I am so thankful for them as they encourage me and better me from a far.
Just click on the title below!

The Gypsy Mama                            Brigitte - Stay at home mamma

Wobisobi                                         Dee - construction

Enjoying the Small things               Authentic parenting

I hope you enjoy them!

1 comment:

  1. what a lovely post!
    thank you for your kind words.
    (and i have a feeling i'm not too 'afar' from you at all really...??!)

    oh, and YAY for 5 kids! you must be a pro by now...I'm still easing (slooowly) into it :)



I love reading about the lives and loves of other people share, it inspires me! Please feel free to leave a comment or share your thoughts because it gives me warm fuzzies and I just love to make new friends! Much love Xx