Ooooo this was a chance to 'milk' the blue moon theme for all it was worth! Blue clothes, Blue food, blue drink, blue balloons etc. All we needed was some just as crazy friends to join us!
Cue crazy friends!!
(note blue clothes)
a few drops of blue food colouring to a bottle of lemonade....
and Presto....
Blue Moon Fizz!
Jamie hunted out a blue sheet for the table cloth....
and a blue blanket for the kids!
I find it exciting that a celebration of sorts can be flung together just by using what you have. Blue serviettes were leftover from a wee boys birthday party! Who knew they would play an integral part in putting finishing touches on such an occasion.
Below is the actual 'Blue Moon'.
I think the kids were a little confused that the moon wasn't actually blue but bright orange. A suggestion was made that maybe we need to change the cupcake icing.
I know its a terrible photo and it most certainly doesn't do it justice. The moon in itself was 1000 times more impressive than the photo, believe me.
Dessert was far more easier to do blue than the main course. The only food that I could think of to be blue was Paua, Blue Cheese, Blue Nose (a fish I think) and Blue berries. Apart from the blueberries I don't think I could of made my kids (or my husband for that matter) eat such a dinner.
BUT dessert well that was more fun.
Blue jelly, Blue/Green gum drops ice cream, Blue pikelets and Blue-iced Cupcakes (which according to one of my boys - were EPIC!)
We did throw in a choc-pudding as well too.
A bunch of blue kiddies!
In realty, one could say, we just had friends over for dinner. But we made so much more and not to mention the memories that we made for our kids.
I love that they will be able to look back and see their parents having fun, being a little wacky and laughing hysterically.
I just love when you have friends that can come and are just oh so comfortable.
No worries, no airs, no pretense.
I love when you laugh so much you cry and nearly put yourself into labour!
Utterly price-less!
PS. During the course of the evening we started with ten blue balloons, we have one left!
We had four injuries/situations all requiring cold wet flannels for various levels of bleeding.
Two stubbed toes, a grazed ear and a split forehead!
Cleary celebrating a blue moon is not for the faint-hearted.
Our kids play hard around here!!