As much as I love to write, reading would be a very close second. Very close. I have been reading on my own since I was three. "Mrs Gaddy and the Ghost" was the very first book I could read all by myself. I don't know how many times I read it but I remember it as clear as day. I read anything I can get my hands on - books, magazines, recipes, newspapers, the back of the cereal box...anything. AND now with the whole internet thing- well it opens a whole new world of information just waiting to be read by me. So now my favourite things to read are (ok don't laugh at me) online medical/psychology journals and the writings of other bloggers. I asked myself (as I do) why I and millions of other blog readers spend our time looking into and reading about the lives and goings-on of other people. Here is what I came up with:-
1. Its Interesting
I am thinking its like a whole new form of people watching. So for those of us who are a little on the nosey side rather than sitting in a train station or a hiding behind a cup of coffee at a café. You can now people watch from the comfort of your own home.
2. Its Inspiring
Most of the blogs I read are of similar theme - I'll admit that. Most of them are written by Mothers, some with a few children, some with a whole heap, some with young children, some with older children. Half of them would be home schooling families. Some are unschooling families. Some are Christian, some aren't, some I can't tell. I read foodie blogs and crafty-type ones. I am very interested in organisational ones at the moment and I LOVE ones with fantastic photos. BUT all the blogs I do read inspire me and encourage me. They give me ideas, reassure me that I am normal and that my family is normal. They make me laugh and they make me cry. They make me want to do better, be better. That can't be a bad thing.
3. Its Informative
I have learnt a lot through reading other blogs. Things like new recipes and new ways to fold sheets. I have learnt the latest research on "The psychology behind opinions", How to increase your 'gut flora' and a super duper way to teach kids how to tie shoe laces. They have given me ideas for our home school and future devotionals/teachings.
So how do I find blogs? Well its kind of easy once you get started really. Once you have found one the rest of them are at your finger tips. Almost always the blog you find and start reading will have links down the side to other blogs that the author/s follow and like. So it becomes like a rabbit warren so it pays to add any to your Favourites file that you may like or better yet become a follower.
So why do I blog?
You know I am not really anybody super special. But I blog for the following reason.
1. I love to write
I am a writer. I read (in a blog on 'writing') that the first step to becoming a writer is calling yourself a writer. So there you have it. I am a writer. Wow how cool is that!!
2. I love to encourage and inspire.
Like I said I am not any special but if I can encourage a Mama in her journey as a parent or inspire someone to 'be' with their children or a reader to gain insight into home schooling then I am going to do it. Its never an intention of any blogger I don't believe, to intimidate or make people feel bad or guilty for being different, or not doing something the way they write about and it certainly isn't my intention. I think the fault (if you'll forgive me) is in the reader and where they are in themselves. We should all know to read between the lines, look behind the camera and KNOW by now that no one is perfect.
3. To entertain
I am sorry but I have admit that I actually think that my life at times is quite entertaining. I laugh at my kids all the time and I laugh at me. I laugh at what I write. Laughing is good.
4. To share what is real.
In all the inspiring and encouraging, I also like to tell how life actually is (without of course complaining all the time). Sometimes life sucks and throws really curvy curve balls at you. No one likes those times but we all have them and sometimes its nice to know that their are others that are going through the same thing as you. AND we all definitely need reminding that their are others that have it worse off than ourselves.
5. Reminds me to live intentionally.
We are all guilty of letting life just slip by, letting those moments go by without a second thought. Most of the time we aren't even aware of life just passing us by. Blogging and taking photos for blogs - reminds me to be aware of those moments, to be present in life and my children's lives and whatever else I am doing at the time. I want to be purposeful in living and bringing up my children.
6. It serves as a record or journal.
I think of it as an online scrap book or photo album, but more dimensional. Not only do I have a photo record by I have my thoughts and feelings here as well. I can choose to keep it private but more often than not I choose to share with my family, friends and the world.
7. It gives insight into our country and culture to the rest of the world. and vice versa.
I am always gob-smacked at who reads my blogs and where they reach. Especially since I am not a 'famous' blogger but just one blogging Mama from little old New Zealand living in a house in the country. Its embarrassing to admit this but people from countries I have never heard of have read what I have written. (and that tickles me pink) That is one reason why I love 'Google' - I just Google them right up and see where the heck they are!!
8. It makes me take better photos.
I have since graduated from the 'point and shoot' photographer to one that thinks about things like angles, lighting, back and foreground. I am inspired by some amazing photographers and I enjoy capturing moments on camera.
So there you have it - my reasons for blogging and why I'll keep on writing and reading. If you like check out just some of my favourite blogs below. Just click on their titles and it should (if I have done it right) just take you right there. AND if you have 'found' my blog by stumbling around blog world, I'd love to have you as a follower, otherwise -So grab yourself a cup of coffee or tea and ... Happy Blogging!
Enjoying the Small Things Crazy.Mad.Beautiful. Dee-construction awalkonthewyldside
stayathomemamma thebarefootcrofter lisajobaker What Memories are Made of!
Clean Handsfreemama I take Joy
I have just worked out how to make my favourite latte at home. Bonus!! |