Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Me, the lolly cruncher!

Whilst very kindly and somewhat sacrificially sharing my all important supply of lemonade ice blocks with my kids I noticed something about myself. All my kids sat and slowly savoured their sticks of white coldness, I on the other hand chomped through mine like someone was waiting around the corner to steal it off me. Of course there wasn't but it didn't stop me from finishing it in record time.  I have come to the realization that I am a somewhat greedy kind of gal who chomps through lollipops, ice blocks and big pieces of chocolate. Yes people I am a lolly cruncher!  I have tried a number of times in the past to be a lolly sucker and made a huge effort to slow down and savour each tasty sweet morsel of yumminess but once the conscious effort has worn off, before I know it I have already chomped into it, scoffed it down and ready to pop the next piece of whatever into my mouth.  I can't help it. I am destined to be that way forever.  I will reluctantly share my chocolate only when put under pressure though and with only those who I hold dear to me.

The ultimate sign of being sick!
Bed Hair!

The common pastime of the last few weeks in the infirmary that is my house.

However I do not what to be that way in every facet of my life.  I have this inner need that drives me all the time to slow down and savor each and every moment. (In saying that I am not really wanting to slow down and savor each moment of being sick so would be quite happy to press the fast forward button on this one).  Lets face it - life is busy, busy no matter what you are doing, how many kids you have or how old you are.  We are always busy at doing something, and if you are anything like me then you are always trying to squeeze in more to your already busy day.

I try to have things through out my day when I make a conscious effort to stop, breath and be. Something I do everyday. Like my morning cup of coffee and my late afternoon cup of tea. I pour and sit and be. My morning coffee just doesn't hold the same appeal if I have to drink it on the run and have to reheat it 33 times. Coffee is made to be enjoyed. Also if I have someone to share a morning coffee with its just that much better. Jamie doesn't drink coffee so most of the time its just me and the coffee pot going it alone. I just love it when good friends stop by and I can share a cup of Joe with them. Same with my late afternoon cup of tea - tea I might add that is to brew in a tea pot.  Not heaven forbid a tea bag in a mug deal! shudder I generally don't need to eat anything but if there is a piece of lemony lemon slice going then yup I am all in!


Other things that remind me to slow down and breath are intimate moments that I share with my children. You know the moments when you are actually looking into their faces and are actually seeing them and who they are as if almost for the first time.  Sadly sometimes when this happens I feel like its been too long since I have looked at whoever like that. That always breaks my mamas heart.  Why oh why does it always take such a conscious effort to savor such moments?  If we aren't careful they can almost appear like they have been stolen.  Conscious effort is just that conscious effort, yes I did say EFFORT!  To truly savor a moment you have to 1. Recognize there is a moment to be had and 2. Choose to be truly present in that said moment. Which means one can not be thinking about how you were just about to hang out the washing, thinking about checking out Facebook or having you phone attached to your hand just waiting for the next text to come through.  I can say this because I have been there and done that at one time or another.  I truly believe that most people, maybe even everyone, wants to savor moments of their and/or their children's lives. I can't imagine too many people actually want to live in a lolly crunching scoffing place.  I don't. I want to be a lolly sucking gal all the way!


Check out this great big ball of cuteness!

There is things that have been plaguing my thoughts over the time that I have been sick.  Plus or minus side to being sick, you choose.  One of them being how to manage the multi age/stage family that I have.  Ages around range from 12 years to 9mths and I wouldn't have it any other way.  My challenge is at the moment is, How do I protect and nurture the magic and innocence of childhood for the younger ones whilst still engaging on a more maturing level with my older ones. Any suggestions or helpful pearls of wisdom from other mamas of multi age/stage families?

Three pet ducks introducing themselves to their temporary neighbours!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely words! You are so right about truly 'being' there. We can have one on one time with our children but concentrating on the next thing to be done. And all of a sudden that moment is gone.
    And I am a lolly sucker and THEN cruncher. I can never seem to suck it until it is all gone.


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