I already know what you are thinking after reading that title. Bumble Bee Pie?? What the hang is in that!! Kaitlyn (nicknamed Mouse/Miss Mouse) climbed on to my lap one morning and shoved my toast out of the way and asked if I could read a book to her. It was titled "Bumble Bee Pie". Its about a wee girl and a boy who wonder if you could make a pie out of Bumble Bees and set out to try and bake one. (Where authors get these ideas from I have no idea!)
Bumble Bee Pie?? I am thinking that a friend of mine made "Banoffee Pie" and called it Bumble Pie. Ooooo I feel like Bumble Pie (without the Bananas, I hate Bananas) "Hey lets make a Bumble Bee Pie of our own", (without the Bumble Bees of course) I suggest! I, of course took the liberty of renaming it especially for the occasion.
So Bumble Bee Pie was born! Kaitlyn was soooo excited as she just loves to bake and just loves to lick the bowl, spoon and scoop mixture out of the bowl even more. Off to the supermarket we go (groan, I hate going to the supermarket)
Now I don't know about you but cooking with kids is a mission! It is NEVER clean and tidy. Flour goes everywhere, they want to taste test at every stage of the process and they fight over who is going to lick the bowl. So with the boys busy outside we start....
Whizz the biscuits...
Melt the butter, mix into biscuit crumbs and press into a pie dish.
and then
Melt more butter, condensed milk and golden syrup..
and pour into a dish.
Welcome little sister into the occasion!
Whip up some cream, lather it on and crumble the remains of any chocolate you may have especially bought for the occasion but your children have taste tested/eaten most of it just in case its not right!
Wha-lah!!! Bumble Bee Pie is born!
Could that be a bigger smile! |
Half a pie, gone! |