Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Just the two of us....!

When you have more than one child, having quality time with each child becomes more difficult and often takes effort and pre-planning. Often it can be a trip to town, a story on the couch or a board game when the others are busy.   Sometimes you just have to do things 'on purpose'!   Lately Casey and I have had some really special times together.

I have banned him from growing as he is nearly taller than me and he is 10!

We were given some free tickets to a new movie theatre, something that is right up his alley and not mine.  We had a really neat time.  Usually Jamie is the one to take the kids to the movies because thats his thing and I stay home with the other kids.

Just recently I had the special priviledge in taking him to a all day 'five-a-side' soccer tournament.  It didn't matter that the day was wet, cold and muddy. It was a great day!

Pick Me!  Pick Me!

Just the two of us! With my undivided attention, my undistracted cheering, my ability to see every goal, every intercept and every skid in the mud!   It was great! 

I never knew soccer could be so intense and so exciting to watch.

I never knew how much of a 'soccer mum' I was.

Go Baracudas!!

It was a very tiring day. But it was a great day!  I will cherish that day forever.  Just Casey and Me.

Who wants to wash those socks!

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