Wednesday, May 1, 2013


So as you may of noticed that I haven't been around a while.  I have missed you.  But it seems as though every time I sit down to write I end up hitting the delete button either that or I write in my head and there they stay or I talk about them and that's that, they remain as conversations.   Anyway I am in the midst of a piece that is yet to be decided if it ever makes in on here - my confidence I think has taken a hammering again! Geez what is with that!  But for now I have one that is a little more hmmmm lighter, so to speak.

Baby Jesse is nearly FIVE months old now!  Yes I know. Time has gone so fast.

By golly he is cute! (just a tad bias I know)

He is very nearly sitting, which actually doesn't surprise me as he gets great encouragement from his brothers and sisters. I mean who wouldn't want to reach milestones when you have your very own cheer-leading squad.
I don't know how most of you (ladies) feel after a baby but my post-baby body leaves a lot to be desired.  Yes I know, I know I know - Jamie always tells me "well (he) took nine months to grow you should really give yourself nine months to get back to the start". Bless him. But nine months honey is just too damn long for me and this time I wasn't waiting that long.  After having Jesse and all his huge-ness and being backwards and all, really did leave me with NO strength in my core muscles (stomach muscles, back muscles, inner muscles, inner inner muscles and leg muscles etc) which isn't good or conducive to getting up off the floor or bending over to clean the bath, plus I had flab where flab certainly wasn't welcome. My super inspirational sister 'n law set me on a path that enabled me to begin to reclaimed my pre-baby body.   (Just so you know - you ARE NOT getting a "Post-Baby-Body-Pre-Workout-Programme" photo either.)

So with the help of Joy over at Massive Motivation an online/virtual personal trainer if you please, I started my programme.  Day one very nearly killed me!  BUT nearly 12 weeks on and I can say I am very happy with the outcome.  I am pretty sure that Joy thought I was such a baby at times, especially when I threw a tantrum about having to do Burpees and told her I didn't think I would be able to walk for the next few days after doing an intense leg work out.  Actually I did have trouble walking for about three days after that.  Joy gives you a Five-Day workout for you to follow (Mon to Fri) (Yah -weekend off) all you have to do is......actually DO IT!  She makes you sign a contract with yourself which sites words like 'character' 'commit' and 'cheating yourself'.  So all the times I though that it wouldn't matter if I only did 5 burpees instead of 10 thoughts went back to that darn contract!  And I also knew that I would have to tell her at the end of the day how I went and I couldn't very well lie to her could I.   I stayed under Joys tutelage for 8 weeks and then decided to try and go it alone and I have to say that I think that I have done pretty well not being accountable to anyone.  I think that's why it worked so well is that I had to tell her everyday how I went. If I was left to my own devices I would of putter out, I just know it.  So 12weeks on - I can jump now!  I know sounds pretty bad but I really did have trouble even jumping off the ground now I can jump up my steps AND at last count I ran 4.4kms in 30 mins! Wahoo! Now that makes me excited!!  Although I am far from one of those ladies who glide down the road!  Exercise has become a habit for me now, a good habit.  I understand a little now when people say that they are addicted to exercise because I too get hankering to do something active in the weekend when those days are suppose to be rest days.

So two days out from 12 weeks I have only missed one day of workout and that was yesterday, I was just too tired and had a crappy attitude.  I have lost 12cm off my waist and nearly 8kg AND I have muscles where muscles have been dormant for years and years!  So you could say that I am pretty proud of myself. I am back to pre-baby weight/size and this is the fastest I have been out of pregnancy clothing.  I still haven't finished yet.  For me, this hasn't been entirely about how I look but a big part has been about how I feel in myself.  At the beginning Joy asked me what were my goals and my reason/s for starting this.  I told her....
1. Even though I had 6 kids I didn't actually want to look and feel (physically) like I had had 6 kids.
2. I wanted to feel strong again, none of this weakling who gets puffed walking up the driveway business
3. Secret squirrel here.....I have this dress that my younger sister gave me.  I really like it and even though I have no idea where on earth I would wear it. My outings consist of church, soccer, supermarket and the occasional visit with friends - and it really isn't a dress I would wear to any of those places.  BUT if I ever did have the opportunity to dine with the Queen and/or attend a Cocktail party then I would like to have the option of wearing this dress. Here is said dress...

Photo doesn't really do it justice!

I think I have about another 5cm to go before I can successfully pull it off.

If I do get to the point where I fit it I will show you the before and after shots!
So if there is anyone else out there that is wanting to get into shape and wants something more than just a diet, then I REALLY recommend Joy. She will design you a programme especially for you and your needs and provide you with super encouraging (not in a telling off way) feedback.  I certainly couldn't have done all this work without the help and encouragement from super husband - Jamie, or my super children (who all joined in at some stage with me - ask the girls about Pilates they will give you a demo) and Tash, my super sister 'n law, who by the way looks totally amazing too after all her hard work she has put in. 
Go on, you will feel so much better for it!
See you soon, promise!

1 comment:

I love reading about the lives and loves of other people share, it inspires me! Please feel free to leave a comment or share your thoughts because it gives me warm fuzzies and I just love to make new friends! Much love Xx