Friday, August 16, 2013

Table - its where its at!

They say its around the dining table is where things happen, where families connect and memories are made and I would have to agree with them. (Who is 'them' anyway?)  Our table is where its at I tell you.
We have actually just bought a new - well new to us - table and it rocks.  Trade Me is super cool like that.  Now we have room for all our family to fit around, not that Jesse (8mths) is even sitting at the table - hey I can barely get food past his lips!  Visitors can sit in comfort and ease and not be squished in, sitting on chairs with wheels and elbowing each other in the ribs while they eat their meatballs.
Its not flash and has got its fair share of bumps and bruises, scratches and marks but hey it was coming to a place where its going to get loved on even more.  I really didn't want to be too worried if one of the kids pressed to hard with a ball point pen or accidentally engraved their name on it.
Consequently 'Mr Nobody' has accidentally-on-purpose engraved his name on it already! 
Table is big, table is square and table is sturdy.
Table is just what we needed it to be.
I love my table!
Table is hardly ever clear. It can be covered with washing (folded - I am going really well), schooling, coloured pencil shavings, books, breakfast plates and dinner mess.
Games, crafts and sandwich crusts ......
Below are some photos that I took one Saturday morning where 'Table' was doing the multi-purpose thing.  Breakfast was being eaten, Scrabble was being played and serious button sorting was going on.
Kaitlyn's dress that was made out of an old woollen jersey.

Buttons from Great-Grandmas button tin is seriously cool!

'Table' multi-purposing, up there with the best of them!

This was her original design but this Mama has major tantrum inducing problems trying to sew these on in this particular pattern.
I actually ditched this design and went for buttons around the neck instead.
You may or may not have noticed that I talk about our table as if it was a person.  It has been pointed out to me recently that I have this quirky (its quirky not weird thank you) habit of personifying innate objects.  'Table' is just one of them.  I feel sorry for long abandon things, have a hard time getting rid of unused items and am a general pain in the back side when Jamie wants to declutter.
I know that things don't have feelings or thought but still....!
We are so blessed to have 'table' move in with us and put up with being loved on in so many ways!
I just hope its just as happy as I am!
Does anyone else have a piece of furniture or a 'thing' that you insanely love?

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