Saturday, July 2, 2016

Joys of July Day 2 - Frost and Mac n' Cheese

Day two of documenting my Joys of July. Its started off F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G and really it didn't get much warmer than that. How was it in your neck of the woods? But with the freezing temperatures we also got treated to another corker of a day. A real stunner! Jamie was away all day today so it was just me and the kids to spend the day however we wanted. Only one soccer game today and the girls went a a birthday party in the afternoon. So here are some of my JOYS of today....

FROZEN - and not the song either.... I am a sucker for beauty in nature and when the frost falls around here it makes everything glisten like crystals. The deck was no exception either. I took this photo before my crazy kids went skidding around on it with BARE FEET!!

LOVE - Frozen outside furniture was a great blank canvas for a wee bit of artwork.  Everyday I am grateful for love.  The love of my husband, the love of my children and especially the love of my God.  On days like today where it has been a bit tough going I need to remind myself just how much I am loved and cherished.

MAC 'N CHEESE - There is a bit of a story about this. I had a huge craving for this and was planning on making it for dinner. Casey wanted me to make pizza instead saying that everyone would eat that more. Disappointed that my craving wasn't going to be fulfilled I then got a call from my sister 'n ;aw saying there was a dinner leftover from her stock-take and did I want it. Can you guess what it was? YES MAC 'N CHEESE!!!  Even Casey was blown away. So all was happy with tonight's dinner - pizza and mac 'n cheese!  God is so good!!

How was your day?  Care to share any joys - big or small??

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