Thursday, July 7, 2016

Joys of July Day 7 - Another Son, A Friend and a Privilege

Just a quick post tonight because tonight's date night.  I want to get blogging out of the way so I can put away my technology and just hang out with the hubby, who by the way is cooking me dinner and has poured me a glass of cider. I think I will keep him on. I have only two photos tonight because my super amazing friend wasn't around for me to snap a shot of of.  Lucky her???  Anyway here we go...

Today's Joys

MY SON - Check out this handsome guy. He is my eldest son who is rocking his very cool hair.  He saved my bacon today because as I was driving around the petrol light was on and I knew I needed petrol but kept putting off going until I was on my way home so I could get the discount at the petrol station on the way home.  I pulled in to fill up and found that I had no CARD which meant NO PETROL. Fortunately for me, well for all of us, he pulled out his newly acquired EFTPOS card and was able to pay for the petrol for me (on strict instructions that I would be paying him back)  He even did the whole put the petrol in the car for me. He ROCKS!

MY FRIEND - She is coming to my rescue and doing some decorations for a mother blessing I am hosting on Saturday night. I am a complete plonker when it comes to that kind of thing but not her...she is amazing. I can't wait to see what she comes up with.

A PRIVILEGE - I am really privileged to be able to pack up a newborn baby boy bundle and deliver it to a local mum who is due in a few weeks. It truly truly is a great thing to be in a position where we can meet the needs of mums and their families. I love that our community can see our vision and shares the urgency and donates and gives of their surplus baby items. It is a true joy.  Loving people until they ask why!

How was your day? Ever rocked up to a shop to buy something and have no card?

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