Monday, May 2, 2016

Musings of May Day 2 - Times Up

Lest you thought I felt all warm fuzzy feelings for my darling wee kiddies all of the time well I am to tell you tonight I have had enough with a certain wee squishy girl who has been grizzly at my feet and clinging to my leg all day. 

It's 731pm now and that's too long past her bedtime tonight. Time for bed missy! Yes I know she is cute and everything but still it's time for bed. Isn't it nice to know that we are all human and have crazy times and insane days where we want to hide in the closet with a block of chocolate? 

In actual fact I feel I have had a good day, kids were good and no major happenings....I kept it together pretty much all day. Yet here I am.....craving chocolate and this squishy one to go to sleep already so I can find my peace and myself again. I lost it in amongst all the grizzling. I no longer have any patience left, the tank is empty and I still have to put five of them to bed......sigh...AND I just know I'll hear "mama can you read us a Clifford the Big Red Dog story". 

Oh goodie....Yay she is asleep now now to ninja out of here....Emily Elizabeth here I come!!

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