Monday, August 22, 2016

August's Anecdotes Day 22 - Dessert

You know how some people are just super talented at making good looking food.  Food that you can taste before even tasting it. Food that makes you want to dive in and forget that you are suppose to be being good. Well good went way out the window tonight! Check this out! Yummy!! Actually yummy doesn't even do this was so good, there are no words.

I think she named it a 'Deconstructed Lemon Meringue Pie' and it was presented in a giant vase. Oh boy....I didn't think I had room for dessert after dinner (and seconds....a little on the greedy side I know) but after seeing this well what is a girl to do. Say no? I don't think so!

We had a casual potluck dinner for the ladies at church tonight. Bring your favourite dinner or dessert type of thing. Fortunately there was just as many mains as desserts so it was an even spread.  A lovely night had my all I believe.  I think food always relaxes and brings out the best and the greediness in people.

Seriously some people are just super amazing in the kitchen and I am always envious of what comes out of their kitchens. Especially when it looks like this!!

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