Sunday, October 23, 2016

Our October Day 23 - Unsettled

Not sure what to call today's blog. Actually I am not even sure what to write about. I feel quite overwhelmed and unsettled tonight.....I think perhaps things are catching up on me. That's OK I guess.....can't be all rosey all the time ah?
Fortunately for us here in New Zealand it's a long weekend....yeeh-hah! And bonus it's sunny. That means I get an extra day with hubby.
Someone informed me that its just nine weeks to Christmas! Say whaat! I am so not ready for does one even think Christmas when we are not even settled? Kids don't care though it's only NINE weeks until Christmas baby. We have a birthday in the family in two weeks....I have been wondering where we will be and if we will get to do family birthday traditions. Frankie is turning two can you believe?! My baby.....two! She has grown so fast and boy is she lucky that she gets to be the baby of such a big family.....everybody loving on her!
This guy.....Thomas Peter....I feel like I haven't seen much of him lately seeing we are staying with his best friend. So when I do get a rare hug or fist pump I am cherishing it all the more. Love his handsome face so much!

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