Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Our October Day 5 - A Lamp to my Feet

It appears that the word “homeless” is a very emotive word. I think when people read that word they have a picture of people living under a bridge or sleeping in a bus stop. We won’t be doing either. We are fortunate. We are blessed.

I have been contacted by many beautiful people that showed their concern and/or support for us. Many a people that said they were inspired by our faith and our journey. Many people that shared that they were praying and believing for us. We are surrounded by love and prayer. Again we are blessed.

A few people that interpreted what I wrote as a poverty plea or questioned our ability to afford Wifi or a phone or why we had seven children when we were living in an unstable environment…..obviously they MIS-interpreted what was written. It has never been about money or our ability to afford rent but about what is or in this case what isn’t available to rent.  But I will not continue to explain myself. People read what they want to read and I am not going to concern myself with the opinions of people that don’t know me or my family.

Believe it or not we are in a good space. We are doing ok. God is good. And as I said last night while this time is definitely not how we imagined this to be nor how we would like it to be….but God knows and whatever the reason for this part of our journey we will embrace it and carry on as normal. Jamie, I and our family have been given a vision and a call, individually and as a family which we will continue to fulfill. We cannot and will not leave our posts unmanned. 

We have a short-term plan that involves some beautiful, generous and big-hearted friends that are willing to let their lives be disrupted in order to help us. Again and again where ever we turn we are blessed. We have the Hope of life in God and love and support of friends and family. How blessed are we?

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” – Ps 119:105

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