Thursday, December 15, 2016

Documenting December Day 16 - My Mission

Urgh we are STILL having issues with getting our Wifi sorted....isn't this ridiculous?!  But to their credit they have given both Jamie and I over 20gig of data each so I can continue one with my life and hot spot the laptop to my phone.   I am actually surprised at how much I use my phone for throughout the course of my day.

Among other things I spent a couple of hours here.....well not in this particular part of the building but here as in the Hospital. This part of the Waikato Hospital is called the Elizabeth Rothwell Building and is home to the regions secondary and tertiary maternity care facility.  This part of the building was my home for seven weeks over 13 years ago as I waiting for my second son Jayden to be born. On forced bedrest due to Placenta problems and had to ask permission to leave the floor. Needless to say it was a hideous. Not only was my second son born here...delivered by people wearing white gumboots...but was also the birth place of my first son Casey and my last child/daughter Frankie a little over two years ago.

This is not a place I would choose to birth my babies but for their own reasons here was the best place for them to be born. For many many women this too is their place of birthing whether chosen voluntarily or not. My mission, along with the people that I met with today (and all the other meeting I have the privilege of attending) is to ensure that the care that they receive here is the best care. Care that is compassionate, kind and respectful.  That is my mission...we do have ways to go but we will get there...I am determined for the women that I represent that every single one of them will have "Options, Respect and Support" that is right for them. (I saw that on a T-shirt once and fell in love with it)  Compassion makes the world of difference.

I so love my life!!!

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