Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Follow February Day 3 - Brand New Day

The thing with kids and I am talking young kiddies is that they NEVER sleep in. Ever. You could be up until two in the morning for whatever reason and they will wake at the same time as if you had put them to bed at 8pm. I lie....You may get an extra 5mins if you are lucky. 

The advantage of being up early is you are witness to some amazing idyllic morning vistas, especially if you are blessed with a view like we are. The view is probably one of my favourite things about living here. 

This morning was a stunner. A perfect summers morning, already the temperature is climbing high. We had a much needed sprinkle of rain overnight so the earth had the feeling of breathing a deep sigh of relief. Sort of like a long exhale. 

The dew on the grass underfoot was sparkly and already warmed by the sun. It's perfect morning like these that I feel particularly close to God. I think perhaps its because I am unhurried and peaceful. I can easily experience and feel his creation and commune and connect with Him. 

So inspite of having to haul myself out of bed early and miss out on much sleep, mornings like todays are a gift and I get to be a part of it.

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