Monday, February 8, 2016

Follow February Day 9 - 'School's In'

Well school in our sense anyway. Yep our first official day of our school year was today. So it was out of bed early, at the ungodly hour of six am. What the hang?! It was hard and I am still feeling the effects of it. I think it's going to take me a few weeks to get used to seeing the day at that hour.

BUT in saying that it was nice to be up once I had woken up and was functioning like a normal human being. A morning cuppa is just the thing to kick start the day. Plus bonus I got to spend a nice time in the Word this morning with my hubby by my side! Now that is a cool feeling. 

Morning jobs are next after breakfast. The entire house not including bedrooms in divided up into five areas for each of the five bigger kids to tidy, clear and vacuum. Everybody hates the kitchen which at the moment includes doing the dishes throughout the day as our dishwasher is kaput! Not so cool when you have a family of nine! 

I took to capturing these moments that were all happening simultaneously today. Yes I am in hot demand during school time and some days I fantasize about changing my name but it's what I do and its what we are about. FAMILY and who they are and who they are becoming not the products. We are about relationships and life learning because of passion. 

I wonder what we will get up to this year. I had to buy Casey a magazine on How to Build a Pizza Oven for Under $300 today. So maybe we will be eating pizza at some stage?? 

Here's hoping anyway!!! Jayden (12) maybe cooking and eating his way around the world. Well I am certainly not going to complain about that especially if bit means I'll be out of the dinner job! Yuss! 

Tom is beginning to work his way through a book called Coding for Kids! Just right up his alley!

Kaitlyn wants to bake, bake and bake again. Again no complaints from me. And Sophie just wants to do maths (seriously) and do art.

 So I am pretty happy with how things are shaping up I think! 

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