Sunday, April 24, 2016

All About April Day 24 - A Lesson in Patience

There are examples and life lessons all around us aren't there? We just have to be looking for them and also be willing to see them and to learn from them. He is my latest lesson and it's from my garden! 

Check my bright red chilli........My first one ever! I can't help but marvel over at it intense bright redness. I was so excited to see it finally turn red. Everyday I would go out and scrutinise all my four plants to see any signs any at all of them turning red. I thought maybe I had planted four dud chilli plants or that I had done something wrong to make them not be able to turn red or that actually maybe I would just pick them and hoped that they would turn red sitting on my window sill. I even checked with other garden enthusiasts to see if their chillies were turning red yet. I mean I was the epitome of an impatience! I actually even pleaded with my plants to have at least one turn red soon. Pathetic ah? But at last one morning I ventured out to see a glimpse of orangey/pink/redness. Yahoo! Blow me down and call me dusty! Nature really does know what it's doing doesn't it? 

Aren't we like that in just about every aspect of our lives? We want things done yesterday thanks. And if they don't we get impatient ( like me) we want to hurry things along, interfere is natural processes, lend a helping hand to God himself and make it happen our way in our time. 

But take a lesson from the chilli will happen when it's suppose to, when everything is at its optimum for it to come about and be at its best. Most things don't need our help at all we just need to WAIT. *groan 

As hard as that is....its what we need to do. We want the best don't we? 

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