Monday, November 14, 2016

November's Notes Day 14 - Strange Day

Wow just wow! What a day!  Has anyone else just had the weirdest day ever? I have. Even now as I think back to everything that has happened today I am just amazed I made it until bedtime without crying. Weird and Crazy.

I suppose any day that starts with a major earthquake is never going to be normal is it? I was awake for it and lay there wondering what on earth Frankie was doing to cause the bed to rock so violently. It wasn't until I got out of bed and felt the ground roll beneath my feet that I figured out it was a earthquake. I made my way around the house to check on all the kids. All but one slept through the doors creaking backwards and forwards, the neighbors pool sloshing around and the dogs going crazy.  Having grown up in the Hawkes Bay where earthquakes are not uncommon I wasn't too alarmed but it did cross my mind to wonder at what point should I wake the kids to take cover if needed.

I couldn't sleep after that, I lay there wondering if we would feel another, if Jamie and his brother were ok (they are out of cell phone coverage) and if my family down country closer to the epicentre were ok.  I finally fell asleep a wee while after until my Mum rang to tell me that they down there had been evacuated to a civil defence post at 3 o'clock in the morning due to a Tsunami warning. So of course I couldn't sleep after that and spent a lot of time on and off social media and live news updates. They were allowed back to there house early this morning after the warning had been lifted.

The kids were very much out of sorts today. Frankie true to form fell asleep almost on top of the vacuum cleaner.  Only two more nights (hopefully) until Jamie gets back. Its a little unnerving not to have him here at the time.

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