Thursday, November 24, 2016

November's Notes Day 25 - Hello Little Man

So there we have it...bye bye my gorgeous wee baby...hello handsome little man. He is stoked with his new haircut and tells me he now looks like 'Daddy'.  Wow I just can't stop looking at him....he looks so different. So grown up.....I suppose he is going to be 4 very very soon.

I sent him off with his Dad and his older brothers for a 'boys' haircut time.  I think he would of liked being including in that.  I took one long last look at him as I buckled him into his car seat...I am pretty sure he thinks I was loopy because I kept staring at him and touching his hair...hoping to embed the memory of his beautiful hair into my brain.

So now we have a little man in the family and while I will miss his hair I am stoked that he loves it and that he looks so handsome too.

I officially started my Christmas shopping today...wahoo! Go me. Perhaps I might get Christmassy after all and to top it all off tonight I am out for a Christmas Dessert evening and judging by the few pictures I have seen of desserts being made for tonight, I will NOT need to eat dinner and should wear extra stretchy pants to accommodate all that yumminess.

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