Wednesday, November 23, 2016

November's Notes Day 24 - Battle Weary

I am feeling quite shattered today, shattered and discouraged. Battle weary.  I feel I need lessons on how to leave things at the 'office' and not continue on thinking about things long after they have been discussed. I had a meeting today and it wasn't pretty. Not at all. I knew that it may have been a little heated but I feel like I have been run over by a bus.

I don't feel like we are making any kind of difference or progress at all. Everything takes soooo long. And changing culture apparently takes even longer.  I am not impressed.

So needless to say I was pleased to get home today, to the safety and cosy-ness of my family.  I may or may not have even bought myself a treat on the way home.

This guy...goes away with friends this weekend....I am sure he will have a good time. The rest of them....well we'll be ferrying some of them around to birthday parties and I have my first Christmas/ End of year celebration tomorrow did that happen?

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