Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Moments in March Day 23 - A Medal Kind of Day

Aren't there just some days that you think that you deserve a flippin gold medal, giant trophy, blue ribbon or 'D' all of the above? Today has been just one of those decided throw crap my way and man did I kick its backside! See this face.....does it look fazed to you? Booyah! No it doesn't because I wasn't. 

Crazy windy weather, small kiddies with high temps, bad mood bears, a chocolate fast (need I say more cos that alone is cause for disaster) throw some massive tantrums in there as well as an unexpected soccer practice where I had to wait with all the kids in the car including the sickies and then do two drives to the toilet. Totally a recipe for disaster I would of said.

My motto for the day "not my problem". It worked well. I surprised even myself and probably my kids too when I held it together during an all out war between two of them in the van while Casey was at practice. You know the ones where feet and fists are flying in all directions. Seeing I had the "not my problem" hat on I simply got out of the car and walked away with the others. I am sure the two thought I was nuts because it is usually that I step in and add to the already noisy and hostile situation by pitching a fit of my own. I don't know why we do that because seriously it never does any good. I am certainly not saying that any kind of fighting is acceptable but what I am saying all the past strategies that have been used hasn't worked because they still fight.

And you know what happened? After I crossed the road and ventured off for a walk down by the river.....the two followed me well actually run past me laughing, wanting to explore underneath the bridge....a place where we have never been before. Remarkable! I never mention their fight and they didn't either. And so we carried on into a peaceful evening. Well as peaceful and calm as you are going to get with two sick kiddies! Whoop whoop parenting win! You need to celebrate these things.

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