Friday, March 4, 2016

Moments in March Day 4 - Night Out

Everyone needs time out right. Yes they do. Jamie spent part of the day away hunting with his brother, I was really looking forward to a night out with a few good friends. 

There something be said for just chilling out over a drink and good food with loads and I mean loads of laughs. Laughter is good for your soul, it truly is. 

Sometimes it's often difficult to make these nights happen for one reason or another....we are often busy or something comes up and then if you are anything like me the old mama guilt pays a visit BUT if you can get past all that it truly does wonders for you. How can you not feel lighter on your feet after hanging out with like-minded girlfriends. Oh and you have just got to take a group selfie to mark the occasion don't you? 

What makes it easy for me to leave my crazy family is the support and the encouragement of my husband and his willingness to and capability of having seven kids to put to bed. People are often surprised that I leave them with him or that he even wants that....I am like ..hello they are his kids...of course he can look after them and he does a totally brilliant job at it too. I have a winner in him! 

I really enjoyed my time out tonight...I have been very busy just living life and doing my thing as all mums do....I encourage you to do the same, you will feel great for it!

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