Monday, March 14, 2016

Moment in March - Day 15 Time

The thing I love about home schooling is that we have the gift of time. I don't take this for granted either I feel very very blessed. I truly believe my kids are living an almost privileged life because of the gift of time. 

Not only do we have the mad crazy dash in the morning to get out the door.....something I hated when the boys were in school, but they have the time during the day to pursue things that they are passionate about or dabble in things that may interest them almost anytime they want for how long they want. 

Today because of a trip coming up Surfer Son spent a huge amount of time waxing up his bow and siting it in. It's a matter of precision as he has to take in to account the wind and distance. He increased the poundage too, its apparently at its maximum and already to take hunting. I can only imagine the moment when he makes his first kill. Two more weeks son just two more weeks. 

He is getting really accurate with good grouping. See even me, who can't even pull the thing back without help from Surfer Son knows some stuff about archery. When they learn and are passionate you can't help just learn by osmosis! 

Littlest brother spent the entire time out with him, just hanging out and probably feeling really cool as they listen to some beats together. His music follows him wherever he goes. While he does the dishes, mows the lawn, out to the pool.....I call them his theme songs! 

It gets a wee bit crazy when four of them want to play their music though. Seriously teenagers are cool and if you let them you can learn loads! 

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