Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Moments in March Day16 - One Cool Dude

Our outing today consisted of our yearly trip to the dental nurse, a first for this wee man. He was so excited and was determined to go first in the chair beating out his brothers and sisters. 

You know you have a big family when you have two dental nurses work simultaneously on your kids just to get them through in their allotted time. We used to do that when going to the hairdresser too. 

Anyway I thought he would be a little reserved being all new to him and all. He here is being such a cool dude with his sunnies on. Perfect looking teeth. 

Even though we flew through the visit swimmingly I am glad its over. There are two places that I dread taking all the kids by myself, one is the dental nurse and the other is the library which is where we went yesterday. Two places where just at the thought of it tightens my chest. 

The dental clinic because someone is bound to touch something that is suppose to be sterile or want to go to the toilet in which I have to locate and accompany them which means I have to either have little people in tow or leave them sitting in the chair without me. 

The library because there are books and kids everywhere and my kids haven't learnt that the library is a quiet place, they take forever to choose books claiming there is nothing to read ( in the entire library ). Kiddies puzzle pieces are on the floor and the little ones are piling books onto the floor in heaps because they like the squeaky spinning rack they come from. Someone always needs to go to the toilet and the baby always does a poo which is always extra stinky when you are out in public. 

See why I would rather stay home. But I made it, both trips in one piece. And relatively sane. And didn't lose anyone or my car keys which is always a bonus! 10 brownie points for me!

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