Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September's Stories Day 14 - Standing Strong

If I learnt one thing over the past weekend...well actually I learnt a whole heap of things...but for the sake of today's post I am talking about one thing. Standing strong and standing together.  
Ps Charlotte Gambil spoke of "A win for her is a win for you(us)". If one of us succeeds then we all succeed.  Doesn't this go against every bit of our cultures beliefs?  We (our culture of NZ women) tends to believe if she wins then I must have to lose and of course no one likes to be a loser so (we) tear each other down with our words and our actions or non actions. No No No! This is not the way. There is no finite number of successful people. There is no finite number of successes, not in Gods kingdom.  Oh boy isn't that life changing?  I certainly got chills listening to her message.

So on the back of that...I figure we all need people in our lives that will continually build us up, kick our butts if needed and constantly speak truth to us even if we want to hear it or not. We need to support, do, act, say, encourage, love our friends and even the people that rub us up the wrong way...and we all have those people in our lives. Because a win for her is a win for all of us.

Today I put out an SOS call for just that kind of support, to friends that I know would pray where they were and pray strong, to pray prayers that would shake the entire universe. Prayers of winners that had my best interest at the centre of their heart. And I felt them.  We are so tired, all of us are. I want this part of my journey to be over and I want to lie on the beach somewhere in the sun and just be.  Today I felt that perhaps I had a glimpse of what Moses felt like when he asked for help and people came to his aid and upheld him so he could continue on in his calling. Because thats what we are called to do. Because a win for me, is a win for you.

"When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up--one on one side, one on the other--so that his hands remained steady till sunset." Exodus 17:12

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. Just yeah.

    You're doing so well. Its ok to be tired and to want this to be over. Even in that - you're strong and you're faithful and you can do this.


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