Monday, September 19, 2016

September's Stories Day 19 - Monday

Again I have no photo.....hopefully we can connect with the 21st century in a few days. It will be that long as we apparently have to get a new modem seeing this house has super fast fibre available. Looking forward to that !

Had a relatively normal kind of Monday....which was a nice change. Finally managed to send off my resume. I am applying for a position on a panel that meets twice a year that reviews maternity cases where serious events have occurred.  I never know what to write when they ask " Why do you want this role? " All I could come up with was because  "I just do"....but the help of a lovely lady I formulated that answer into something more acceptable.

I did end up going out to say goodbye to the house and to handover the keys to the owners. I got a little sad when I saw our empty bedroom and the empty dining room and kitchen. I will miss it. I even hugged the landlord.....quite possibly the only tenant in the world to do that but I just had to .....we had been in each other's lives for eight years!

Jesse and I went a walk around the new neighbourhood this evening. Thought we should make the most of our adventure. We discovered a friendly black and white cat that followed us a way back to our house. Like we need another cat.

I have discovered that my children have indoor, outdoor and in-the-country outdoor voices. I have to keep reminding them to tone it down and that we have neighbours.

So there you go....quite a normal kind of Monday don't you think?

Til tomorrow xc

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