Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September's Stories Day 29 - Change Takes Time

I wish you guys could see tonight's's a goodie. Unfortunately I can only upload it to instagram off my phone and not my blog. It's of Jamie and me when we were 21. Man we were young.  We were 23 when we got married....I think back now and think about how young we actually were. Plus we thought we were the most in love you could possibly be but boy was I wrong! We love each other a thousand times more now than we did then. There is so much depth there now.  A history and a richness. Definitely been the best time of my life.

Jamie has been at conference for three nights and fours day and while it's not the longest we have been a part. It's not fun but we get there.  I had a meeting today, an all day one which meant getting out of the house with seven kiddies with togs, gumboots, food and for some a change of clothes. I realise that some awesome mamas do this every single day but for this homeschooling mama it's quite an unnatural thing to be doing. I am not going to lie it was a mission and a half. BUT I left only a mere two mins late from my predetermined time. Good effort all round.  All though five mins out of town I had to turn around because I forgotten the nappy bag. Ten minutes wasted...then another five min delay because I had a carsickie. Awesome.....not! But I slid into my seat after dropping the kids off with a mere two mins to spare. Even got a pastry and a coffee before the meeting started. Terribly important.

I enjoyed today's meeting. I am finding my voice more and more. I think what I find frustrating the most is that change takes so long to accomplish because all the boxes have to be ticked along the way. I want to see change now! But I know that at the end of this project the women whose voice I carry and represent will benefit greatly from what we are doing. These people are passionate, all on the same page and determine that there will be a has to be.

I wish I could tell you more but keep watching this space!!!

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