Friday, June 10, 2016

June's Jottings Day 10 - Whatever it Takes

This photo does not do the dark grey clouds justice. They were very black and surround us in every direction. I could of chosen to stay indoors today....forgoing a run and having a nice hot cuppa instead but no, I put on my running shoes and hit the road instead. Whatever it Takes. Perhaps it should be my new life motto or something. 

I figure that I should workout whenever I can as some times we are just too busy and I can't squeeze it in. I also figure that I won't be able to run 12 km come November if I don't actually do some running. Plus the number on the scales will be far more friendly and I'll be able to wear my jeans without cutting off circulation to my lower half if I just get out and exercise. You know what....I really really enjoyed running in the semi-rain and in the cold. Far better than running in the heat! 

What is super cool is that when I was little and the school cross country was looming up before me I would mysteriously develop a sore stomach. Real or not I can't remember but it was probably real to me. I hated running HATED it and would always come last which made my hate for it even bigger. So now that fact I enjoy it most of the time is like WOW! 

What keeps me going when I want to give up because I might not be feeling the days run so much. Prayer....I pray for everyone and anyone that falls into my head. I think of my vision and where God is going to take it. I sing songs about overcoming and taking back ones life songs. All that seems to get me through the pain in my legs and the fact my heart is going to beat out of my chest, until I turn into my driveway. Afterwards I am always so glad I got out there and did it. Although sometimes I vow and declare that I won't ever do that again. 

You know what else....Not only am I doing doing for myself but I am doing it for my family. I want to show my kids especially my girls that you can do anything, you can be strong, you can achieve your dreams and I hope when they are older that they will be take their health and fitness into their own hands. Its all about influence! Now for dinner! 

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