Saturday, June 4, 2016

June's Jottings Day 4 - An End of Day Treat

Yes the pink sparkly running shoes are at it again and this was my training ground today. I have had a wee break from running over the past few weeks, choosing to follow an Interval Training workout online by Jilliàn Michaels. She is both great and awful at the same time. I guess they don't use her on The Biggest Loser for nothing. 

But today I thought I would treat myself to a run because it was such a beautiful day. I am saying it was a treat in hoping that I might trick myself into believing it. But as much as I usually loathe running, today's run was great! Did I just say that? Out loud? Forty mins of me time....rubber hitting the road, me and God time. He and I have loads to discuss and I have a whole heap more to be thankful for. 

You know sometimes it's really difficult to squeeze time into my day to do a workout because as you probably already gets busy. But I really want to, need to push for it. So if it means me clearing a spot in amongst Lego and blocks then darn it I am going to do it. If it means being climbed over and under by a three and one year old then so be it.
Probably much like many of you I want to look and feel better about myself, I want to feel good in the clothes I wear, look nice, feel strong and healthy. I don't when I don't workout and that's not good for everyone else around me. I need to be healthy and happy for my family and for everything else I take on.

But in saying all that I need to be ok and make friends with the few extra curvy bits that I have managed to acquire....almost like a badge of honour for having kids. I highly doubt I'll ever look like I did pre-children but I will do my best to be as healthy as I can be. And seriously I have birthed seven children into this world.....I need to give me a break! So whether or not I run or workout I'll go hard because I want to be able to live full on and take on everything God has for me and have oodles of fun along the way!

 "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Ps 139:14

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