Saturday, June 25, 2016

June's Jottings Day 25 - Mid-winter Christmas

Merry mid winter Christmas everyone! 182 days until actual Christmas so my Christmas loving friend told me today. We had fabulous time with family and friends-that-are-like-family celebrating half-Christmas...... complete with the Christmas tree, fairy lights, decorations and loads of food, delicious food. Even a Christmas sweater made an appearance just to add to the occasion. 

So love having people over, and so love celebrating every chance we get. Thank you to our guests for coming and partying with us. We loved every minute of it!

Tomorrow is Tom's 11th Birthday. Which is why this blog is late and short. I had to ice his cake after everyone had left but it's finished and now I can pop off to bed. It will be up early to start the days birthday celebrations so no sleep in for me. Merry Christmas people! Until tomorrow.....ciao! 

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