Sunday, June 19, 2016

June's Jottings Day 19 - Opportunity

This evening I had the privilege and the opportunity to attend my wonderful friends inaugural workshop on Birth Trauma. Together with her sister she has put a huge amount of hard work at forming an organisation that supports women and their partners through the ordeal of Birth Trauma. 

Birth Trauma is a very real thing for a number of women and the statistics are showing that this problem is growing and growing fast. Unresolved Birth Trauma or Post Traumatic Birth Disorder can lead to a myriad of problems including maternal mental health problems and issues surrounding bonding with baby, anxiety and depression. The leading cause of maternal death is suicide. 

So you can see its a problem that needs light shined on it and it needs to be talked about. Anyone working with pregnant or new mums should at least be aware of it. Its not enough to tell a women that she should be grateful, that at least she has a healthy baby. Yes of course she is grateful but it doesn't mean she should be ok with how she was treated or what she had to endure to get that healthy baby. 

Kiwi women have a very bad habit at down playing trauma, or things that they are struggle with. The old kiwi culture of "she'll be right mate" serves no purpose nor does it benefit anyone. 

So let us be more aware, listen more, care more and validate more but most importantly let's talk more about this growing problem. I really enjoyed her workshop plus had the bonus of catching up with some birthy friends. Every opportunity is there for the taking and can only be beneficial for women I come across. 

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