Saturday, June 18, 2016

June's Jottings Day 18 - These Two

Two of my favourite people in the world and they belong to me. Biggest girl and baby girl (middle girl not in the room) . 

Looking at this photo got me thinking about the time when I had three boys and really wanted a baby girl. We weren't planning on having anymore at that stage. Lol. I remember lying in my bed just after giving birth to Kaitlyn clearly thinking that my life was now complete.....I had three boys and now a little girl. I remember looking at her in disbelief that I actually had a wee girl. That she was mine. It was truly a mind boggling moment. 

I had gotten to the place where I was ok with the fact that I was going to be a mother to three boys. I was at peace with that. Then surprise surprise I was pregnant and while I really wanted a girl I had to come to a place where I was ok if I had a fourth boy. During my pre labour stage I remember having having moment to Jamie and crying because I was scared that I might not like my baby if it was a boy. ( I was one of those who never found out what the baby was). 

After I had finished my big cry and had spent some time with God I knew I had come to a place where I knew I would of been ok if we were to have a boy. It was only then when I had got my mind stuff sorted out that my body could and did go into labour. Our minds are amazing. About three and half hours later Kaitlyn Elizabeth was born at home into her daddy's waiting arms. I think the whole room cried when we discovers she was a girl. It truly was an amazing moment. 

Now I have been blessed with three beautiful girls each precious, beautiful and wonderful in their own way. Each with their own birth story to tell. They are all so different yet similar. Three girls mixed in with my four delicious boys with spunky personalities. I am truly blessed! I know the girls would really like to even the score making it four all in the family but I am thinking that will not happen. 

Anyway my thought for the day is that more often than not you need to let go before you can move on. You need to let go and let God. 

"Be still. Let go and let God. Psalm 46:10

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