Monday, September 5, 2016

September's Stories Day 5 - Time with Him

Creating quiet space for me to spend five mins alone is near impossible, gee I can't even go to the bathroom in peace. So trying to carve out 20 mins for peace and time in the Word is a mission.   And seeing everything is packed away this was where it was at today.  I  chose sunny-ish spot in our bedroom, made a deal with Casey (15) to be 'it'  for the little people for 20 mins so I can refocus and re-nourish myself in the Word, grabbed a coffee and closed the bedroom door.  I am not going to even attempt to make light of what I am going through at the moment. Its tough, its boring and its frustrating. I needed this time.  

So with my coffee in hand, my pillows off my bed I lay on my stomach and immersed myself in the His Word. And in the 20mins, peace enveloped me and I was fed straight out of 1 Chronicles 17. Yes I know what you were thinking ..."Chronicles???"...but its not all mile long genealogies there is some good stuff in there.

I try and get time alone in the morning before everyone else gets up. But as many of you know little people tend to get up early and even if you try and wake up before them (as crazy as that sounds) they seem to just know when mum is awake and wake up then too.  So yes I guess it has come to bribery and deal making just so I can get some time alone because I certainly DO NOT want to have to get up at 5am. That is definitely not lady-like hours at all!

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