Friday, September 16, 2016

September's Stories Day 16 - Our Last Night

So here we are, our last night EVER in this house. It is feeling very surreal. As I watched the cows head on into the cowshed for their afternoon milking.... I thought to myself that this was the last time ever I would get to see this.  I got a little sad then.

There has been a lot of lasts today. But even though it is crazy chaotic with last minute packing and cleaning...things have had to tick over as they normally would too. A Loving Arms connection to be made, a resume to formulate (that is harder than I thought...I mean seriously who likes to talk themselves up), and supermarket run to do. And of course people still need to food prep needs to be done.

I managed to steal away for some time alone with my bible to talk to God and to read His word...totally convinced that He had something good for me today.  And he did!  It was so good that I even wrote it out in VIVID (no I hadn't lost it again) on some packing paper and stuck it on to a wall for all of us to see.  It was a goodie!

I have had some lovely messages over the last few days, beautiful encouraging words and support from near and a far. It has truly meant so much. Thank you precious people. Thank you to the person who did an emergency drop of chocolate and ice cream also. Comfort food is just the best.

So...No we don't know where we will be this time tomorrow. There I said it. I know that it is hard for some to read that and not worry on our behalf. But is ok. We are ok. I am ok. I said last night that I feel strangely normal and at peace. And I still do. A peace that can only come from God. So thankful.

So what does our last evening look like here...the kids are sleeping in the lounge, we (and Frankie ) are not. There are too many boxes in here for that to happen. Jamie and the older two boys have gone out for the evening and the other kiddies are watching The Jungle Book. We have had Hotdogs for dinner followed by ice cream. I will be enjoying a cold cider with Jamie when he gets home though.

I will do my best to post tomorrow night even if it is short and sweet. Got to keep you posted ah?
Love you all xxx

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